Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapters 5 to 8 blog on Byzantine Art!

* (Time Period: 1305).

*  This is an Byzantine Art piece which shows Jesus Christ is surrounded by his 12 apostles. Jesus is washing one of the Apostles' feet. The setting is in Italy.

* Certain paintings similar to this may come in many different forms. These can be related to Early Christian Art time periods such as some very common icons, mosaics, and wall paintings of


  1. Please tell us the name of this piece. It actually seems to be from a more modern time period because of its Mozarabic style with its strong lines and use of color.

  2. changed the piece couldn't find it so I replaced it with a new one

  3. Very cool! I find it very interesting that they use different color halos for the Apostles and Christ. I also like how they bring emphasis to Christ and to show that they are worshiping him through their art.

  4. I love the bright colors of this piece. Also, the halos that are around Jesus and the apostles show that they are all followers of Jesus Christ which usually depicted these followers during the Byzantine time period.
